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Pet Sitting & Visiting

Pet Sitting

This service is my most favourite one of our services that we offer.  Why you ask?  Well, because it's like going away on a Holiday.  That's the best way to describe it.


Pet Sitting is where I come and stay in YOUR home overnight.  There is no limit to the number of nights I stay, that all depends on you and your pets requirements.


Everything will be discussed at the Meet n Greet.  I have a few forms that we will fill out together, and for you to sign.  It covers everything, and if there is something I have not asked, please let me know.


I will feed your pets, walk your pets, snuggle with your pets, water your garden, bring in your mail, put your bin out and bring it in.  I will make it look from the outside that someone is home.


As long as you have a bed, clean sheets, a towel and a microwave, I am happy.


Please note, that in some cases on the weekends, when Andrew may be called in to work, I will need to bring my 2 children with me.  1 will sleep with me and the other will sleep in a camp cot that we take to sits.  This also means that your pets will get some extra

Pet Visiting

This service is one of the popular ones for those with cats and low maintenance pets.  Pets such as Cats, some Dogs, Fish, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Ducks, Donkeys/Horses etc.


With this service, I can visit ONCE or TWICE a day.  

The times will vary, depending on the day and what else I have booked in for that day.  But we can chat about that at the Meet N Greet.


Each Visit is for 1/2 an hour.  Depending on what is required, a longer visit can be arranged but will cost a little more.


In the Holidays, it is most probable that I will need to bring my 2 children if it is a work day.  Depending on the pets I am visiting as to whether or not I make them sit out the front on their tablets.  lol.


As like Pet Sitting, I will feed your pets, walk your pets, snuggle with your pets, water your garden, bring in your mail, put your bin out and bring it in.  I will make it look from the outside that someone is home.







Drop Off by 8am

Pick Up by 6pm
Other times by appointment




Kangaroo Flat,

VIC 3555

M / 0418 794 061



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